Quilts for a Cause

My blog for posting what I am doing to assist those in need with quilts. It is my hope that those that read my postings and see my quilts will be led/compelled to reach out and help me to help those in need. My projects have included Hurricane Rita and Katrina victims, breast cancer patients, new moms, children, the homeless and prisoners.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Are you wondering what this subject has to do with quiting? Well, in my own life, it has plenty to do with it. You see, my husband and are raising 3 grandchildren ages 3, 4 & 5 years of age. They are wonderful and beautiful but for those who are raising children now or are done with raising children, you will never know what it is like to suddenly find yourself parents at 50 years of age.

The quilts I make and sell go to help support these children. Oh sure, I have a full time job (remember I work 12 hours a day dealing with the public), but there is never any extra money left to do the things that needs to be done like jump in the RV and go fishing over night, or take a trip to Disneyland or watch the Circus. So any extra money that comes in for the sale of the quilts goes to a savings account for them.

They are the ones that work much harder than I do to get these quilts out. The smaller 2 help me pin the quilts together, the oldest threads needles and ties the quilts together with me. Trust me when I say, she has done this long enough that I can now leave her to tie one together on her own without my guidance.

While many people think I need my time with my husband, they are right, but on the other hand, when the house is quiet, we don't know what to do with ourselves.

I have been working on research to write a book on this subject, so if anyone reading this knows grandparents that are raising grandchildren have them contact me if they are willing to fill out an anonymous questionaire (?) about this subject.

Hoping to add more pictures soon!


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